
Chushin gura movie poster

Japanese Cinema on the Net

There are hundreds if not thousands of websites that can be useful to those studying Japanese cinema. This page introduces only an important few, but for more you can still use such old fashioned link collections as Eiga Site or Cinemamemo. In our Research Section, we’ve listed some crucial online articles. Below are a few sites worth visiting.

Japanese Cinema on the Net

There are hundreds if not thousands of websites that can be useful to those studying Japanese cinema. This page introduces only an important few, but for more you can still use such old fashioned link collections as Eiga Site or Cinemamemo. In our Research Section, we’ve listed some crucial online articles. Below are a few sites worth visiting.

Chushin gura movie poster

Japanese Cinema on the Net

There are hundreds if not thousands of websites that can be useful to those studying Japanese cinema. This page introduces only an important few, but for more you can still use such old fashioned link collections as Eiga Site or Cinemamemo. In our Research Section, we’ve listed some crucial online articles. Below are a few sites worth visiting.

CineMagaziNet A film journal with articles in English or Japanese.

Japanese Cinema Database (日本映画情報システム) The most comprehensive database, sponsored by the Agency for Cultural Affairs

JFDB (日本映画データベース) On recent films by UNIJAPAN. In both English and Japanese.

Michigan CJS Electronic Publications Reprints of Bordwell, Burch, Prokino, etc.

Midnight Eye A long-lasting journal on Japanese film